Newsletter – Tanja Liedtke Foundation
Joseph Simons in Berlin 2013 Tanja Liedtke Fellow, Joseph Simons started his creative development residency in Berlin on Monday 5 August. After the long journey from his home in Dubbo, (a regional town in central NSW in Australia) Joseph arrived in Berlin to warm weather and all that this amazing cultural centre offers, and he wasted no time in getting to know the city and start CREATING. Joseph has initiated a blog on his website, where he will be writing regular updates of his experiences and adventures. Enjoy! Here's the link to his blog: http://www.josephsimons.com.au/-Blog-.html The video report/s can also be found at Prior to his departure Joseph was interviewed for the Dubbo Photo News.
inspiring dance workshops at NAISDA and atyp Later in August, the Tanja Liedtke Foundation will again be delivering the inspiring dance workshop program to students at NAISDA Dance Academy. Kristina Chan and Amelia McQueen will be in residence at NAISDA’s Kariong campus , working with all of the students that attend the academy as well as some independent professional dancers who will join the workshops in the second week. This program will lead students through a creative process where the young artists draw on specific starting points and develop their own original choreography. They gain skills in collaboration and structuring as they work with each other, while being guided by Kristina and Amelia. This workshop will be followed by a return of the inspiring dance workshops to the Australian Theatre for Young People (atyp) in Sydney. Following a first workshop with the Ensemble group in May, Kristina Chan and Craig Bary will work with some older students in September, in a week long course which will also incorporate voice workshops.
Registration now open for the 2014 Internatioanl Solo-Tanz-Theater Festival. This event is held to honour Tanja Liedtke. It provides a unique opportunity for young dance artists. If you click on the link to Register, you will find the information in English as you scroll down the page. The event offers cash prizes and for the winners, the chance to tour within Germany and to South America. A wonderful opportunity and well worth considering.
Awards for Antony Hamilton – Tanja Liedtke Fellow 2009 In 2009, Antony Hamilton took up the inaugural Tanja Liedtke Fellowship in Berlin at Radialsystem V. During his residency he started work on Black Project 1. This work has since been fully produced and presented in Melbourne and Sydney. And this year, it has been receiving some prestigious awards! In June, Antony received the Helpmann Award for Best Choreography in a Dance or Physical Theatre work, and he recently followed this up with the Australian Dance Award for Outstanding Achievement in Independent Dance. Congratulations Antony! http://www.helpmannawards.com.au/default.aspx?s=winners http://www.danceaustralia.com.au/news/and-the-winners-are
Tanja - Life in Movement at Radialsystem V in Berlin. Tanja - Life in Movement documentary film will commence screening (with German language subtitles) on 27 October of this year at Radialsystem V in Berlin. The film will then be shown in Frankfurt on 31 October, and thereafter will be seen in other German, Austrian and Swiss cities. Details will be posted as soon as they become available. http://www.tanjalifeinmovement.de/
Stuttgart Dance event And finally we would like to draw your attention to this event in Stuttgart where the diversity of dance is celebrated and will include a photo exhibition about Tanja. http://tanzlokal2013.wordpress.com
Thank you to all our supporters, Tanja Liedtke Foundation.
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