Newsletter – Tanja Liedtke Foundation
More Awards for Life in Movement. Life in Movement (Bryan Mason and Sophie Hyde - Closer Productions) is the winner of the Diaphonite Jury Prize at the 2011 Cinedans Festival in Amsterdam….and….. Life in Movement was also a winner in the Public Choice category, sharing this award with Jiøí Kylián: Mémoires d’Oubliettes (Don Kent). These prestigious awards are truly significant in the world of dance film, and films about dance. Congratulations to everyone involved. A wonderful honour to Tanja, Bryan, Sophie, their production team and all the artists!!!
Tanja Liedtke digital Archive is ‘live’. In 2010, a collection of items pertaining to Tanja Liedtke’s professional life was compiled and categorised for the National Library of Australia (NLA) where they are now housed. Before this collection was received by the NLA, many of the items were scanned and held as a digital collection. This material has been used to create the Tanja Liedtke digital Archive, which as of 8 December 2011 is freely accessible to anyone who is interested to know about Tanja’s life and work. We anticipate the digital collection will also be of particular interest to students of dance and other forms of contemporary art. We hope you will enjoy visiting this collection. The website address for the digital Archive is: www.tanja-liedtke-archive.org
construct - a masterpiece for Australian Contemporary Dance The Monthly, a leading journal in Australia for politics, society and culture, recently announced Tanja Liedtke’s construct as one of twenty Australian masterpieces, across all art forms, since the year 2000. construct was declared the masterpiece in the category of contemporary dance. “There are no Ring Cycles or Mahabharatas in Australian contemporary dance. The scale is frequently small and it is a fleeting art that depends crucially on its performers in a specific time and place. Since 2000, Stephen page’s Skin, Garry Stewart’s Birdbrain, Lucy Guerin’s Structure and sadness, Gideon Obarzanek’s Glow and Meryl Tankard and Paul White’s The Oracle live alertly in the memory, which is their only repository. But if one work must be selected to the first among equals, it is Tanja Liedtke’s construct. Construct premiered in London, with Liedtke in the cast. She died in an accident three months later, making this her last work. The physical reality of making things, particularly something as emotionally charged as a home, framed a study of the building and breaking of relationships. Construction implies competence, practicality, strength and creativity. There is a need for balance, ingenuity, problem-solving and co-operation. A structure can be a home or a prison; it can stand or it can fall. In Liedtke’s hands these literal and metaphorical notions were effortlessly entwined and animated with wit, joy, playfulness, sorrow, anguish and loss. The resonances were deep and intimate, sometimes troubling, yet rarely losing touch with life affirming humour”. Deborah Jones, The Monthly, Oct 2011
inspiring dance at the NSW Education Department’s State Dance Festival The inspiring dance program (Australia) was launched at the NSW Education Department’s annual State Dance Festival in Sydney in September 2011. The inspiring dance program was initiated by Sol Ulbrich, Tanja’s long time creative associate and life partner, and was developed and structured by a group of five acclaimed Australian dance/theatre artists who were also close collaborators of Tanja Liedkte – Kristina Chan, Paul White, Anton, Amelia McQueen and Joshua Tyler. The program brings the aims and purpose of the Tanja Liedtke Foundation into the artistic space of young and developing artists. At the State Dance Festival, Kristina Chan and Lisa Griffiths (who performed in both Twelfth Floor and construct in 2009) led the inspiring dance workshops entitled Masterclass.
Paul White at the Hochschule für Musik and Darstellende Kunst in 2012In January/February 2012, Paul White will make a return visit to Frankfurt University (Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst) to once again work with final year students, teaching them excerpts of Liedtke repertoire, as well as training classes for Frankfurt’s professional independent dance sector. This is the third time TLF has partnered with HfMDK to bring to students, a unique opportunity to share in Tanja’s creative body of work in an environment of international exchange.
2012 International Solo Tanz Theater Festival – eine Hommage an Tanja LiedtkeIn March 2012 young dancers and choreographers from around the world will present their works at this prestigious festival, which is presented in Tanja’s honour. TLF is the principal sponsor of this festival, which enables young artists the opportunity to present their work to an international platform. Prizes are awarded in the categories of performance and choreography and the winners are also given the chance to take their work on a short tour.
In the next newsletter we will be reporting on more inspiring dance program activity in Australia in 2011/2012, an update on future screenings of Life in Movement, and several other projects which are at the moment in planning phase. Till then, Tanja Liedtke Foundation. |
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