Newsletter – Tanja Liedtke Foundation
Following the two week residency of Kristina Chan and Paul White at the Frankfurt University for Music and Performing Arts, where they conducted workshops and repertoire teaching of a selection of Tanja Liedtke works to final year students, Paul returned to Frankfurt in May of this year to prepare the students for performances of these works at their University graduation performances. Life in Movement – the documentary about Tanja Liedtke is enjoying further successes since its premiere in March 2011.Congratulations to Sophie Hyde and Bryan Mason on winning BEST FEATURE at the 2011 South Australian Screen Awards. (The award has enabled 3 screenings at the Mercury Cinema in Adelaide – check www.closerproductions.com.au for times. Life in Movement will also be screened at the 2011 Sydney Film Festival on 18 June where it is in the running for the FOXTEL Documentary Prize and also in Sydney, during the 2011Spring Dance Festival – 23 August to 4 September. On the international front the documentary will be seen in early June at the Sheffield Doc/Fest and then the following week at the 2011 Edinburgh International Film Festival. More informations: Stay tuned as more screenings are secured. Food ChainThe Tanja Liedtke Foundation is proud to have supported this adventurous new German/Australian dance theatre work. Australian dancer/choreographers Gavin Webber and Grayson Millwood (Animal Farm Collective), in collaboration with members of PVC TANZ in Freiburg, and co-produced by Performing Lines, premiered Foodchain at the Sydney Festival in January 2011 followed by touring in Germany and Austria. Find Animal Farm Collective on Facebook In our following newsletter we will bring you a report, plus photos and film excerpts, from the 2011 Tanja Liedtke Fellowship program which saw Katarzyna Sitarz spend 7 weeks immersed in the Australian contemporary dance environment.Central to her program was a creative residency at Arts House, where Kasia, in collaboration with local artists Zoe Scoglio, Matt Cornell and Joshua Tyler spent every awake hour working on a creative project that explored the concepts, histories and notions of ‘home’. The project meshed text, film, movement, sound and installation. The Tanja Liedtke Foundation would like to thank Fellowship project partners Arts House Melbourne and Lucy Guerin Inc, and within those organisations we would especially like to thank Lucy Geurin, Michaela Coventry, Deanna Smart, Steven Richardson and Lexie Wood. Their enthusiasm, commitment and generosity has been truly amazing. |
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In Australia - Tax deductible donations to the Tanja Liedtke Gift Fund can be made by credit card or cheque. Simply download the form on the Tanja Liedtke Foundation website (found on the Donations page), and send with your donation to Perpetual Foundation - Gift Fund, GPO Box 5106, Sydney 2001 In Germany - either send cheque to the Tanja Liedtke Stiftung c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Private Wealth Management, Stiftungs Office, Mainzer Landstraße 178-190, 60327 Frankfurt a.M. or direct transfer to Tanja Liedtke Stiftung, Kontonummer: 700761001, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt a.M., BLZ: 500 700 10, IBAN: DE 63 500 700 100 7007610 00.