Newsletter – Tanja Liedtke Foundation
2011 Tanja Liedtke Fellowshship winner:
Life in Movement - Tanja Liedtke documentary |
‘inspiring dance’ projectIn November 2010 Australian dancers Kristina Chan and Paul White will conduct a two week residency at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts where they will teach excerpts of Tanja Liedtke's Twelfth Floor and construct as well as the short work, To My Suite to third year students of the BA dance course. more... |
2010 Financial support of a Dancer at
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In Australia - Tax deductible donations to the Tanja Liedtke Gift Fund can be made by credit card or cheque. Simply download the form on the Tanja Liedtke Foundation website (found on the Donations page), and send with your donation to Perpetual Foundation - Gift Fund, GPO Box 5106, Sydney 2001 In Germany - either send cheque to the Tanja Liedtke Stiftung c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Private Wealth Management, Stiftungs Office, Mainzer Landstraße 178-190, 60327 Frankfurt a.M. or direct transfer to Tanja Liedtke Stiftung, Kontonummer: 700761001, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt a.M., BLZ: 500 700 10, IBAN: DE 63 500 700 100 7007610 00.