Artists colour our life in ways that illuminate our experience of the world.
Supporting today’s artists is to support the legacy of our evolution.
There are many instances where a small but significant opportunity has enabled artists to make critical developments in their artistic mission. Tanja Liedtke Foundation is about creating some of those significant opportunities.
By becoming a supporter of the Tanja Liedtke Foundation, you will assist today’s dancers and choreographers to forge new directions and strive to create exceptional dance art.
Donations can be made:
– in Australia:
to the Tanja Liedtke Endowment, managed by – Perpetual Limited
Please download and complete this form, then send it, along with your donation to Perpetual Foundation – Tanja Liedtke Endowment, GPO Box 4172, Sydney 2001.
Donations can be made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Thank you.
– in Germany:
either send cheque to the Tanja Liedtke Stiftung, Olgastr. 24, 70182 Stuttgart, Germany or direct transfer to
Tanja Liedtke Stiftung
Kontonummer: 700761001
Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt a.M.
BLZ: 500 700 10
IBAN: DE 95 500 700 100 7007610 01
Thank you.
Donations to Tanja Liedtke Stiftung and Tanja Liedtke Endowment are Tax Deductible